Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating an integrated circuit by combining millions of transistors into a single chip for specific set of functions. Logic Design is the front-end activity of a chip design which involves essentials of digital design, Verilog behavioral & RTL design, verification, synthesis & DFT. It also deals with advanced verification methodologies including system Verilog.
The course starts with pre-requisite courses in Unix OS, Programming & scripting languages. Class assignments, Labs and practice examples are realistic to understand the concepts better and get an overview of the design requirements.
Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating an integrated circuit by combining millions of transistors into a single chip for specific set of functions. Physical Design is the back-end activity of a chip design which involves essentials of basic digital design, CMOS fundamentals, Place & route flow, STA and timing closure, SI analysis, RC extraction, Power analysis, low power design techniques, Physical verification, DFM/DFY and related topics.
The course covers pre-requisite topics in Unix OS, Programming & scripting languages. Class assignments, Labs and practice examples are realistic to understand the concepts better and get an overview of the design requirements.
Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating an integrated circuit by combining millions of transistors into a single chip for specific set of functions. Naturally occurring signals are analog. Analog Design is the front-end activity of analog IP/chip design which deals with the amplification, processing and conversion of the natural signals into digital domain. The course deals with design of common analog building blocks such as current mirrors, amplifiers and voltage reference circuits. Spice simulations will be used extensively to enhance the learning experience. The course starts with pre-requisite courses in Unix OS, Programming & scripting languages, fabrication technology, CMOS device physics, and related device equations. Class assignments, Labs and practice examples are realistic to understand the concepts better and get an overview of the design requirements.
Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating an integrated circuit by combining millions of transistors into a single chip for specific set of functions. This course explores semiconductor process technologies from 0.18um to 28nm -14nm and covers topics related to layout of design of Analog and Mixed-Signal circuits. Layout Design starts generally with a schematic of the circuit design and involves custom layout using EDA tools. It is the back-end activity of Standard Cells/Analog and Mixed-Signal functional blocks (called IP)/ … which involves layout design of transistor level circuits. Course deals with fundamentals of CMOS devices, second order effects, device matching, PAE, double patterning concepts, RC Extraction, layout guidelines, shielding, Physical verification and related topics. The course also involves optionally layout design of the functional blocks (IP) such as BGR/PLL/ADC/opamp.
The course covers pre-requisite topics in Unix OS, Programming & scripting languages. Class assignments, Labs and practice examples are realistic to understand the concepts better and get an overview of the design requirements.
An Embedded system is designed to perform one or few dedicated functions often with real-time computing constraints. They are generally based on RISC/CISC microprocessors or micro-controllers while some of the systems may have DSP functionality also. The course deals with getting deep into CISC/RISC processor architectural features, working of major blocks and interfaces of these processors, and architecture of Microcontrollers. The course also covers understanding functionality of standard peripheral controllers, equipping with proficient programming skills in C and Assembly languages, learning RTOS concepts and acquainting with device driver development. Class assignments, Labs and practice examples are realistic to understand the concepts better and get an overview of the design requirements.
Application Software Development (ASD), Applications play a key role in our day to day life, whether using mobile, TV, wearables, web. We use different interfaces to access these applications, using mobile phones / tablets, smart watch, medical devices, Smart TV’s, Set Top Box , desktop / laptop etc.
Application Software Developer is responsible for developing, different kinds of applications that must run on embedded devices/systems like Mobile phone, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Smart Watch, either directly or a companion device or on the web and also standalone applications which run on desktop/ laptops that may pair up with the embedded devices and systems for configuration and control.
Application Software Developer is responsible for design and development of the databases, both relational and non-relational databases. Application Software Developer is also responsible for developing the applications functionality, with both frontend user interface and backend logic.
Application Software Developer has to face challenges in developing the backend logic, where several algorithms have to be developed for the applications to achieve their functionalities. Design and development of the frontend requires understanding the product (mobile / TV / Web) and the end users, and following the design guidelines with the given limited H/W and S/W resources.
Above all, it is the developer’s responsibility to take care of performance and optimizations to make the application work smoothly on different platforms.
An Embedded system is designed to perform one or few dedicated functions often with real-time computing constraints. They are generally based on RISC/CISC microprocessors or micro-controllers while some of the systems may have DSP functionality also. The job requires testing of applications, firmware, system software, algorithms catering to embedded systems in mobile, wearable, low power computing, medical, IOT and multimedia domains. As the testing is predominantly in embedded systems domain, good understanding of embedded systems, their hardware, interfaces, software and application features is important to be competent in this job. Engineers need to be thorough with the features of SW under test with good system level knowledge in order to test exhaustively including all possible use cases and corner conditions. At certain times to improve the efficiency of testing, automation becomes necessity which calls for development of scripts for test infrastructure and test case automation. Typically Embedded System Engineering domain requires certain understanding of Hardware like Processors or Microcontrollers, interfaces, peripheral functions, protocols and programming skills in C, Scripting and Assembly languages.
- Education: B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc
- Streams: Electronics(ECE), Electrical(EEE), Computer Science(CSE), IT, Instrumentation
- Percentage: 65% ( minimum )
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